
Balfour & Houldsworth

Request to be on the Balfour & Houldsworth Mailing List

Regulations relating to Data Protection mean that it is necessary for you to give the B&H Competitions Committee permission to hold the details necessary to contact you with information about B&H Competitions and Newsletters.

Personal details of competitors are not shared with any other party at any time.

If you would like to be on the B&H mailing list then please click the "Yes I wish to be on the B&H list of contacts." box below. 

As part of the GDPR Security, when we put you on the B&H mailing list, you will get an email asking you to confirm that you have given approval.

Thank you for joining the contacts list. 

David Haley
B&H Secretary




Yes I wish to be on the B&H list of contacts.
No, please delete my contact details

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