
Balfour & Houldsworth

Martin Hill and John Caveney
2021 Seniors Balfour Cup
Denton Golf Club - 12th August

Thank you for taking part in
The Seniors' Balfour at Northenden Golf Club.

We have 184 players taking part from 30 different golf clubs

For the first time the prizes on offer in the Seniors Balfour top


The names of the Winners
will be posted on the Balfour and Houldsworth Website

at the end of the competition.

Today's Prizes are for Vouchers to be spent in the Pro's Shop

1st Prize     £400  -  £200 each

2nd Prize   £300  - £150 each

3rd Prize    £200  - £100 each

4th Prize     £150  -  £75 each


The Cup will be presented to the Winners

and the other top places will receive their vouchers

at the Presentation, 8.00 pm approx

You can watch the results screen on your own Pc, Tablet, Phone  by entering

Worsley Golf Club will be hosting the 

2023 Seniors' Balfour on Thursday 10th August

Entries for all the 2023 B&H Competitions

can now be made on line at

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